This is an extension of the article ‘Clearing out the highway to hearing Holy Spirit’.
This morning I saw a quick vision of the ‘traffic scenarios that can block hearing Holy Spirit’ and heard ‘intersections’ and then heard ‘Trajectories of life will receive a catapult to new levels’. I knew Holy Spirit was pointing towards writing a part 3 of this article in order to remind people to be processing their intersections and traffic scenarios of life. Also, to bring to attention to be pre-processing with Holy Spirit as much as possible before this catapult happens in order to be as prepared as possible when this occurs; and to still process with Holy Spirit after the catapult. This is a major intersection of life, and you want to make sure you follow the Lord’s leading.
The Lord wants our catapult to be a blessing to us and we need to stay in touch and be able to hear fluently and be led by Holy Spirit. This is the time to work through any blocks that may still exist. Holy Spirit is there to help us in our life scenarios and recover the hearing that was lost in previous scenarios. Remember, the goal is to be able to hear Holy Spirit fluently.
So, start each day with quiet time, prayer and a journal. The day can get going and easily distract you and then you loose the precious processing time. Are you hearing Holy Spirit fluidly? This is the time to be processing and preparing.
‘The leading of the Holy Spirit will lead you to new levels you did not even know existed. I have ways to catapult my people they could not even think of. The new levels will exist with my ultimate authority leading them. The leading will exist with paths I have predetermined to be safe. These predetermined paths have my blessing where I can catapult my people. The catapulting of my people will prepare them to thrive in the most excellent of ways.’
Holy Spirit has told me in the past that people expect that there will be smooth sailing after things change over, but that this is not so. I believe that the above quote is saying ‘stick close to me so I can keep you on blessed (and safe) paths’. Safely blessed paths sounds very nice to me. Prepare to receive God’s awesomeness in ways you can not imagine. Process with the Holy Spirit so you will be able to hear fluently.
Be blessed with pressing into the Lord and receiving all he has for you, now and after the catapult. And remember, God can not do for you what God can only do through you.
Philip Paul also had a word from God about Catapult that he just released today (Saturday 9/9/23). I recommend finding him on Youtube. His videos are short, to the point, and very wise.
My articles can also be found on Telegram at Resounding_Change
Here is a link to the original article I refer to this article…..