Clear out the highway to hearing Holy Spirit (fluently). A vision with interpretation and unction to teach this for patriots and many more who will listen. Hearing Holy Spirit is of upmost importance.
Holy Spirit showed me a ‘highway to hearing’’. The highway had a jack-knifed truck, a truck that was stuck/broken down in a single lane and a massive traffic jam. Then He explained the vision to me. Hearing words and seeing visions are both essential. Everywhere hearing is used in this article, you could just as well say hearing words & seeing visions. I saw this vision first and then heard the interpretation. The goal here is fluent hearing and clear visions.
‘The highway has many connections to me (Holy Spirit). This is for example only. On this highway we have intersections where cross-traffic intervenes. The best way to explain it comes from this. There will be highways and bi-ways of life. Both with their traffic situations. Restoration of these will amount to nothing if you do not hear this: Your restorations are meant to bring you closer to me. Where there is no restoration, people can get trapped in the jack-knifes and traffic jams and single car breakdowns of life. I have for you to hear this: I restore these in every way when you come to me. The restoration includes the hearing that was given up in the situation.’
Before moving on, stop and quiet yourself and ask Holy Spirit what your current predominate emotion is. See, you can do this!! Holy Spirit loves to answer you! Now, on to processing situations where you have lost chunks of ability to hear fluently.
An encouragement from the Lord added on 10/25/23 ‘I have for my people to leave the past in the past EXCEPT when leaving it there hurts them. This is a sincere call for my people to understand that the past can hold relics that once resolved, result in magnificent healings; which can lead to hearing ears when that was the lead in prayer.’
‘People can hear from me to the degree that they can quiet their minds, hear my voice and understand I am speaking to them. The degree of focus is only accomplished with wherewithal settled down. If the highways and bi-ways are screaming the degree is diminished. Here is where it gets interesting: racing and screaming cars and trucks can be quieted if you want.’
‘The intersections have 5 distinctions
1) Turns – slight changes in life
2) Turn around – big direction change in life
3) Turn-about – change without course correction
4) Turn to me – Life! Life in Christ found!
5) Turn away from me – sad in every way’
‘Intersections in life have degrees of change. I prefer the positive.’ Point being, intersections, interferences and changes in life are an important time to make sure that you stay on track with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you through your changes.
‘Now let’s get to the highways and bi-ways where life occurs. As you know, life can have it’s jack-knifes, it’s single vehicle accidents/breakdowns and it’s traffic jams. The jams are the worst. There are many. I (Holy Spirit) have too many of these. I have multiple encounters with these. The horrific nature of these land many in lala land. Unending, where they don’t want to work thru the situations. Their hearts rest here. I wish for them to move past these situations. They need to come to me. Where I have solutions they could never imagine. The traffic jams will take away their attention and focus on me, the source of their solution. Horrific loss of hearing unless their source rests in me.’
‘The jack-knifes are where a single situation has plummeted and riveted to the point where love is lost, hearts are broken, disease is found, other core elements have dysfunctionality. These elements can all affect people’s connection to me if they are not careful to maintain relationship with me thru their heartbreak.’
‘The single-truck accident/breakdown is a break-down of life situations causing a person to turn against themselves.’
‘I care for everyone thru all their life situations. They need only to turn to me for their help needed and direction which I am willing to provide.’
‘There needs to be heard this, the more they maintain relationship thru these situations, the less the loss of hearing. That happens when they lose faith that I care about their life situations.’
‘This is a new precept: Maintain relationship with Holy Spirit thru all life situations. He will help you and you will maintain hearing and faith that He is with you and loves you and can help you sort out these difficulties.’
→‘Paramount to know: There is always a work around to hearing. I can lay new track where needed. In every way, quieting the mind is best. Pray for new tracks to be laid and when you hear, ask what needs to be dealt with from the past to help resource you with fluent ears.’← THIS IS THE PART HOLY SPIRIT BROUGHT BACK UP → LAY NEW TRACK/BUILD A PATH AROUND WHAT NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH FROM THE PAST……..
This is the vision & interpretation that the Holy Spirit gave me. The full purpose of this is to help people hear fluidly. Hearing is essential.
You can ask for a vision or a remembrance of a situation that needs to be cleared up. There may be more than one situation to clear up. Believe me, God has arranged some situations that left my head floating in the clouds by the extent of a scenario He arranged in order for me to learn a truth that I needed in order to clear up a jack-knife or traffic-jam that was affecting my heart and thus my hearing.
Journal as you work to clear-up any traffic situations or bent emotional situations. While journaling, maintain ears to hear and a forgiving heart (not condemning or self-condemning) and Holy Spirit will show up and speak into the situation you are journaling about. The goal is to regain the love and hearing that was lost in the situation where you did not process with the Holy Spirit. I want to point out that processing/journaling in this reference will be a quick referral to a situation. Not a major dig. Just a reference to a situation that needs some forgiveness & a quick reframing. You can ask Holy Spirit who you need to forgive and what you need to forgive, how He would like reframe the situation for you, what He wants you to learn/realize, where He was during the situation, and if there is anything else for you to understand. Remember that Holy Spirit may give you a vision of the situation. Then pray for healing, restoration and deliverance and Thank the Lord for all the healing.
My other article on hearing, titled The Restoration of Hearing Ears, also available on my substack site, deals with clearing out emotions that can be twisted against us in life, the lies we have been purposefully fed on many levels of life, and projections that can get under our skin. In this article you will learn about the regimented pathways that can develop from negative thoughts of self. This is an extension of the single truck break-downs/accidents.
Listen for that still quiet voice that will always be immensely wise, uplifting, speaking truth according to the scriptures and according to your specific life situations. Be humble, repent when necessary, and let Holy Spirit fill you with love, truth, joy and His awesome Spirit. And, just as Peter walking on the water, when you expect to be able to hear, you are much more likely to hear. When you don’t expect to be able to hear, you probably won’t hear. You have not because you ask not. No situation is too trivial for Holy Spirit to help you with. It can be the build-up of many small unprocessed situations that can lead to a single-truck breakdown. Remember, the goal and expectation is fluent hearing.
Holy Spirit has told me in the past, that up to 80% of the bandwidth of hearing can be taken up by ‘noise’ on the bandwidth. Consider the ‘noise’ on the bandwidth the traffic situations in this article and also the twisted emotions, their related lies and regimented pathways written about in the Restoration of Hearing Ears article. A highly recommended article.
This is an important issue to God. I have had this vision, the interpretation, Jesus showed up in my car one night to speak to me about this, certain unctions to follow through with writing/teaching about this, and I was taken to the throne room about teaching this (although I proceeded to freak out and not know how to handle being in the throne room - a situation I am working on). God very much wants Patriots to have ears to hear! The leading of the Holy Spirit is important for us as Patriots.
If you read the article, Indeterminant Emotions in the world today (on this substack), you will understand how projections can turn into Indeterminant emotions, and the massive effect this can have on a person not understanding themself, and thus deciding to no longer think for themself. Now picture the effect this can have on your highway to hearing.
The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That’s what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own. ~ Donald Trump
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Related articles:
Hearing ears, part2 (some examples)
The Restoration of Hearing Ears (this article helps with the bigger traffic jams of life)**
Clearing out the highway to hearing leads to healing
Indeterminant Emotions in the world today (the basis for understanding a lot)
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